Tuesday 12 July 2011

Busy busy busy!!

After a blissfully quiet and thoroughly enjoyable kid-free weekend, the terror has returned, and the usual routine continues. I'm attempting a third review, Temptation Triggers by Brenda Woody and Steve Tindle, though so far my mind just isn't in the zone, and I believe a review deserves full attention. So in the meantime, I've joined 2 more blogs to get a variety of reviews under my belt, and I'm doing a bit of data entry for a friend, as well. Thankfully, despite my lack of "zone-ness", producitivity continues.
I just thought I'd update everyone, in case anyone was wondering why nothing is really moving along at this moment. As soon as I have managed to sit down and get to Temptation Triggers, it shall be up in no time! Though what I've managed to read so far, it promises to be a steamy read, and I am eagerly anticipating getting down to it!!
Oh, and a last little update: I have some new critiquers for my novel (currently somewhere in chapter 3 and at almost 12 000 words), and what I've heard so far is extremely thrilling! One of them said that he was so enthralled early on, that he forgot that he was supposed to critique it, and he couldn't get over how quickly he got enthralled! I must be doing something right!
Thanks to those who are helping me get a leg up with the reviews, and a massive thank you to those who are helping me with the novel!!

I shall be back on to working on things tomorrow!

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